Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Breakfast and mud


Puddles were everywhere now, and everywhere we went was through foot-high wet grass, which soaked everything up...oh, about a foot high from the ground! Meaning most of us had wet pant legs, socks, and shoes. We could have run around in flip-flops and shorts and not worried about it, but it was 52 degrees. Steven waded up to the Mess tent and had a cup of hot chocolate, then brought a cup of it back to me. I was still warm in my snug (and dry!) sleeping bag! Nothing we hung over night had dried.

The breakfast horn sounded (whatever happened to dinner BELLS?) and I dragged myself out of the sleeping bag, got dressed, and went up to join the chow line.
People gathered under the tarps to eat. Breakfast was pancakes, sausage, oatmeal, milk, and/or juice. I might have missed a thing or two. There was always lots of food.
On display was parfleches and sandals, just two of the many interesting things we had an opportunity to make or learn how to make. These were made by the teacher of the class...um...umm...what what his name again?
One thing is for sure, he does darn good work!

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