After John's class we had time before dinner, so we went back to George's tipi so Steven could work more on his fox hide. After I used up all my excuses (taking pictures, asking questions!) I helped Steven stretch the hide. It wasn't really icky, just kind of clammy and rubbery-feeling. As we worked it and it got drier it felt almost like worn-out velvet.
I took pictures inside the tipi but it was hard to get back far enough. Here, George is looking at someone's fox skin. The fire is in the middle of the tipi. If I remember right, this tipi has about a 20' diameter at the ground.

This is looking up toward the opening at the top.

Dinner was chicken breasts cooked with brocoli and zucchini in broth, sliced potatoes in gravy, lettuce salad, and rolls. Dessert was bread pudding with banana slices in it. Here's the chow line as everyone waited in the rain to go through the serving tent:

Rainwater ran off the edges of the tarps strung about to provide shelter in the eating area, and we clustered under them in whatever somewhat-dry places we could find. As we walked back to our tent we passed this setup of a hammock covered by a tarp. There were a few other people sleeping this way, too:

When we got to the tent we sat in our breezeway area and Steven worked on his fox hide, which was hard to do since he was laying on his side...oh wait, the picture is sideways! I hate fixing stuff like that after I upload it.

I read a book I'd brought along, when I wasn't taking pictures or annoying Steven!
The rain stopped around the time it got dark and the sky started to clear out.
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